The company administrator can view the company's user information on the User Management page on the left navigation.

Basic Info:

  • User name: the registered name of the company user;

  • Email: the email address used by the company user when registering;

  • Status: describes the relationship between user and company, including Pending , Active, Rejected, and Inactive;

  • Role: The role of the company user in the company, including user, company user and company administrator;

  • Last login time: the last time the user signed;

  • Creation Time: the time when the company user signed up.


Company administrator can change company users’ status in the company and transfer the administrator role via the Action column.

  • View: View company users’ details;
  • Deactivate: Only can act on active company users. If deactivated, the company user is not connected with the company;
  • Enable: Only can act on inactive company users. If activated, the company user is connected with the company;
  • Transfer: The company administrator can transfer the administrator role to other company users.

Click the View button will display the details of the company user, but company administrator has no permission to change it. Only the user has the permission to change the information.