Currently, the product application process supports both company users and users who are not currently part of the company to apply for products on behalf of the company.

To ensure the legitimacy of these actions, we will trigger a security risk alert email to notify the company administrator that someone is applying for product permissions for your company.

If there are any errors in the application or the applicant is not an employee of your company, please click the View User button at the bottom of the email to access the company user list and reject the user's request to join your company. 

Additionally, you can click Contact Us at the bottom of the page to leave a message or send an email to us and we will help you reject the user's product application.

For example, suppose User A, who is not currently part of Company B, selects to apply for a certain product on behalf of Company B on the product authorization page. In that case, Company B's administrator will receive a security risk alert email. The administrator should verify whether User A is an employee of Company B and whether they are applying for a product on behalf of Company B.